Transmucosal sedation
- Midazolam + lidocaine solution (off-licence drug in UK)
- MAD device spray (special syringe with spongy tip to seal nostril)
- Usually as induction before cannulation and IV sedation. Can be done alone as a sole procedure but needs to be administered by sedationist experienced in intravenous sedation
- Warn patient re: very unpleasant taste, may get nose bleeding
- Be quick and decisive, single ‘bolus’ spray, be calm and quiet, avoid unnecessary chat with patient following administration to induce sedation
- Keep in mind the possibility of use reversal agent IV if necessary (very rarely)
- much quicker onset that oral midazolam ! 10 mints after intranasal administration
- Use the standarized MAD device (Mucosal Atomizing Device, image below)