Groups of special needs individuals:
  • Learning disabilities, autism (ASD), ADHD, Down’s syndrome, cerebral palsy, sensory processing difficulties
  • Mental impairments: dementia, Alzheimer disease, Parkinson’s disease, depression, anxiety, bi-polar disorders, schizophrenia
  • Physical disabilities: multiple sclerosis, impairments due to cerebrovascular episode, paraplegia, neuromotor problems,
  • Medically compromised individuals with: cardiovascular diseases (angina, heart conditions, hypertension, heart transplant, DVT, TIA), diabetes, COPD, immuncompromised patients (on steroids, transplants, HIV positive patients), patients receiving a long-term pharmacotherapy (eg. new generation oral anticoagulants), polytherapy, terminal diseases, kidney/liver dysfunctions, on dialysis, with diagnosed cancer, receiving chemotherapy, receiving radiotherapy, who recently finished chemotherapy/radiotherapy cycles, haematological conditions: leukemia, thrombocytopoenia, haemophilia, von Willebrant disease, lymphomas, neutropoenia, anaemia
  • combination of health problems mentioned above
  • Social impairments: deprivation, homeless
Why we need to look after the priority groups of patients ?
  • Responsibility as a profession
  • Professional duties towards vulnerable patients
  • Rewarding service
  • Increased demographic needs and changes
  • Holistic approach beyond a routine tasks
  • Tend to receive less oral care
  • Common problems:  poor oral health, poor health outcomes
  • May have oral problems, that can affect systemic health
  • May have general health problems, that can affect oral health
  • More difficult access to dental care than general population
Why a ‘challenge’ ?
  • Communication issue
  • Extended and special treatment needs
  • Capacity to valid consent
  • Physical intervention justification
  • Demographic change, increased life expectancy
  • Holistic approach, beyond routine tasks
  • Complex problems with communication, consent, access, safety, safeguarding, etc.

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