Delivering better oral health: an evidence-based toolkit for prevention
From: Public Health England, First published: updated:
‘Delivering better oral health’ is an evidence based toolkit to support dental teams in improving their patient’s oral and general health.
Fluoride preventative measures are vitally important to maintain a good oral health.
Case Mix
Six independent criteria that, either solely or in combination, indicate a measurable level of patient complexity.
i. Ability to communicate ii. Ability to co-operate iii. Medical status iv. Oral risk factors v. Access to oral care vi. Legal and ethical barriers to care
Each of the criteria is independently measured on a 4 point scale where 0 represents an average fit and well child or adult attending for dental care, and A, B and C represent increasing levels of complexity.
This is a tool to measure patient complexity. It is not intended to reflect or be used to give weight to the complexity of the dentistry undertaken.
The weighting scores across all six criteria are summed to give a total score for each course of treatment.
0 Standard patient 1-9 Some complexity 10-19 Moderate complexity 20-29 Severe complexity 30+ Extreme complexity
BDA Training criteria, 2008